Which oil to choose for a modern agricultural machine?
In this article you will learn:
- What is LOW SAPS oil?
- What parameters should the oil for agricultural machinery have?
- How to choose the right lubricant?
The technology used in agricultural machinery has changed over the years. Today, these powerful machines are equipped with modern engines with enormous power. They use a whole range of technical solutions that need proper maintenance and selection of appropriate lubricants. Let's take a little closer look at the heart of agricultural vehicles and what kind of oil they need.
Development as a synonimus with agriculture
Over the years, there have been huge changes in the wider industry. The industrial revolution has resulted in the streamlining of the production process. Mechanization has taken place. The equipment and machinery used in production evolved, becoming more and more modern. It was no different in one of the most important industries - agriculture. What tools, equipment and then specialized machinery were powered by changed gradually over the years. Starting with the use of human and animal muscle power, followed by steam engines, then internal combustion engines, and finally turbocharged units with direct fuel injection.
Today, such solutions as particulate filters, common rail systems and selective catalytic reduction have taken a permanent place in agriculture. Four-wheel drive or the use of modern automatic transmissions is no longer an extravagance here. And the interiors of the machines, designed in the spirit of modern aesthetics, are equipped with GPS navigation and touch-screen computers.
Care for the environment
The development of the agricultural industry has had a huge impact on the environment. We live in a time when ecology is of great importance. The ecological trend is one of the main ones taken into account during the production of equipment. Modern agricultural machinery is largely equipped with direct-injection diesel engines, which are characterized by good performance and durability. Unfortunately, a whole range of harmful substances such as nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon oxides, particulates are produced during the operation of these units.
Exhaust emission standards introduced over the years (in passenger cars known as Euro, and in agriculture as TIER or STAGE) have forced manufacturers to use such solutions as catalytic reactors or diesel particulate filters (DPF). The latter are worth paying special attention to. Looking not only at how they work, but also at maintaining efficiency with modern oils.
Relation between DPF filters and LOW SAPS oils
Commonly used today, DPF filters, located in the exhaust systems of engines, make it possible to eliminate from the exhaust gases a significant part of the particulate matter that is harmful to humans. The benefits of using such a solution are undeniable. However, how to take care of such a filter to work reliably for many years? The answer is properly selected oil.
Farmers today are aware that in order for their drive units to operate flawlessly, the type of oil they use to protect the engine and ensure its proper functioning is not without significance. Depending on the type of drive, in order to ensure the engine's longevity and reliable operation, the user will need a suitable agent with special properties. And these are plentiful on the market. Synthetic, semi-synthetic, mineral - these are terms that often appear in this context. However, you should know that they are not correct from the point of view of selecting the correct lubricant.
It is also worth remembering that the parameters of the oil determine the number of refills. Better products run out less, which has a positive effect on costs.
Which oil will be the best?
For engines with a built-in DPF, it is necessary to use low SAPS oil. These are so-called low ash agents, i.e. with a chemical composition that generates little sulfated ash (SA), phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S) through combustion. The low ash content prevents clogging of the DPF, saving it from burning out. In turn, little phosphorus and sulfur have a beneficial effect on the performance of catalytic reactors.
Bet on the tested and proven and choose the right one
There are plenty of products on the market that "assure" us of their reliability. However, it is important to remember that it is always advisable to choose a lubricant that stands out from the competition by its quality. One that, being proven by users, has earned its position and reputation. Pouring untested or low-quality oils into agricultural machinery is not the best idea. The care with which we approach our engine will affect its longevity and trouble-free operation. Let's use the best.
Contact us for more information:

Low-SAPS engine oil for agricultural vehicles. Suitable for both models with modern exhaust gas treatment systems and older types. It surpasses conventional UHDP oils in versatility and performance.
Key advantages:
- superior engine cleanliness
- low oil consuption and evaporation
- exceptional wear protection
- extraordinary parameters in cold start
- longest time between oil changes
- better protection in case of low quality fuel

Specially developed for engines with exhaust gas treatment systems and turbochargers, where the manufacturer has stipulated extended mileage between replacements.
Key advantages:
- maximum time between oil changes
- compatible with exhaust gas treatment systems
- antiwear protection of turbocharger
- excellent anticorrosion engine protection

Product developed specially for agricultural machinery engines with modern exhaust aftertreatment systems (EPA Tier 4/ EU Stage IV).
Key advantages:
- prolonged time between oil changes
- lower fuel consumption
- components protection (DPF, DOC, SCR, turbocharger)
- increased anticorrosion protection
- oxidation resistance