Nazaj na vsebino


Sintetično olje za kompresorje na osnovi amonijaka, za prehrambeno industrijo

Performance Features

  • Base fluids have an ability to provide superior lubrication under the majority of operating conditions
  • Provide excellent control of deposits and sludge formation, particularly when used with ammonia. This permits extended oil drain intervals compared to mineral oil
  • Excellent high temperature and oxidation stability
  • Neutral odour and taste
  • High viscosity index enables easy starting at low temperatures and good lubrication at elevated operating temperatures
  • Good low temperature characteristics down to -40 °C The formulation facilitates rapid separation from the refrigerant in the oil separator

Certifications and Specifications

  • NSF H1
  • Kosher
  • Halal
  • DIN 51501-1 (KAA / KC)


CASSIDA FLUID RF 46 and 68 are high performance fluids specially developed for use in ammonia refrigeration compressors in the food and beverage processing industry.
They are based on a careful blend of synthetic fluids chosen for their ability to meet the stringent requirements of this type of equipment in the food industry.
Registered by NSF (Class H1) for use where there is potential for incidental food contact. Produced according to FLT Quality Standards, in facilities where HACCP audit and Good Manufacturing Practice have been implemented and form part of the quality and hygiene management systems ISO 9001 and ISO 21469.


  • Recommended for use in open and semi-open compressors, both screw and reciprocating types. They are designed for applications with ammonia (R717) where they offer an excellent performance under high and low evaporation temperatures.
  • They can also be used with isobutane (R600a) and CO2 (R744). Use in this case after consultation of the respective compressor OEM only.

Seal and Paint Compatibility

Compatible with the elastomers, gaskets, seals and paints normally used in food machinery lubrication systems.

Handling and Storage

All food grade lubricants should be stored separately from other lubricants, chemical substances and foodstuffs and out of direct sunlight or other heat sources. Store between 0 °C and +40 °C. Provided that the product has been stored under these conditions we recommend to use the product within 5 years from the date of manufacture. Upon opening a pack, the product must be used within 2 years (or within 5 years of date of manufacture, whichever is the sooner).


  • Živilska industrija

Na tej strani prikazane informacije temeljijo na izkušnjah in znanju skupine FUCHS s področja razvoja in proizvodnje maziv ter odražajo sedanje stanje v tehniki. Na zmogljivosti naših izdelkov lahko vplivajo številni dejavniki, zlasti specifična vrsta uporabe, način uporabe, delovno okolje, predhodna obdelava komponent, morebitna zunanja onesnaženja, itd. Zaradi tega razloga ni mogoče dajati splošno veljavnih izjav o delovanju naših izdelkov. Naših izdelkov ni dovoljeno uporabljati v letalih/vesoljskih plovilih ali v njihovih delih To ne velja za primere, kjer je izdelke mogoče znova odstraniti, še preden se komponente vgradijo v letalo/vesoljsko plovilo. Na tem mestu podane informacije so splošne, neobvezujoče smernice. V povezavi z lastnostmi izdelkov ali njihove primernosti za določene vrste uporabe ni ni zagotovljene niti izrecne niti implicitne garancije. Zaradi tega priporočamo, da se o pogojih uporabe in glede zagotavljanja zmogljivosti izdelkov še pred njihovo uporabo posvetujete z inženirjem skupine FUCHS, ki se ukvarja s tem področjem. Uporabnik je odgovoren za preverjanje primernosti izdelkov za določeno vrsto uporabe in jih mora uporabljati s primerno skrbnostjo. Svoje izdelke nenehno razvijamo. Zaradi tega si pridržujemo pravico do sprememb našega proizvodnega programa, izdelkov in njihovih proizvodnih procesov ter tudi do sprememb podatkov na tej strani, ki jih lahko izvedemo kadarkoli in brez predhodnega opozorila, če ni nobenih dogovorov s kupci, ki bi določali drugače.

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