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Please note

To keep all the text within this website simple we often used the male version. It is natural to us that we do think in these cases as well of female as of male persons.


FUCHS OIL CORP. (SK), spol. s r. o.
Managing director Ing. Miroslav Kolenčík
Štúrova 51 97701 Brezno / Slovakia
Tel: +421 48 28 58 750
E-mail: kolencik@fuchs.sk 

Permission to use, copy and distribute the documentation published by FUCHS OIL CORP. (SK), spol. s r. o. on this World Wide Web server is hereby granted on the condition that each copy contains this copyright notice in its entirety and that no part of the documentation is used for commercial purposes but restricted to use for information purposes within an organisation.

All information published on this world wide web server is provided as is wihout any representation or warranty of any kind either express or implied including but not limited to implied warranties for merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non infringement. Any FUCHS OIL CORP. (SK), spol. s r. o. documentation may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Change and additions may be FUCHS OIL CORP. (SK), spol. s r. o. from time to time to any information contained herein.

FUCHS OIL CORP. (SK), spol. s r. o.
