Different gas types require specialized oils
The right engine oil and professional support are critical to the continuous operation, reliability and efficiency of stationary gas engines.
Fuel gases are divided into natural and special gases, and their composition and impurities affect the combustion process, performance and durability of the engine.
The varying composition and quality of fuel gases during engine operation create challenges that can be compensated for with the right equipment and the right engine oil.
Briefly about the benefits of FUCHS GANYMET oils
- Significantly longer oil drain intervals due to higher neutralization capacity (approx. 25% higher TBN total alkaline number) with the same sulfate ash content.
- Improved wear protection and higher oxidation resistance thanks to new ashless additives.
- Less abrasive wear due to zinc-free sulfate ash deposits.
- Increased engine cleanliness.
- Minimization of phosphorus content and, as a result, increased wear protection, improved performance, and extended catalyst life
Overview of engine oils for stationary gas engines
Brand name | Description | Approvals | FUCHS Recommendations |
TITAN GANYMET ULTRA | Premium Synthetic Zinc-free High Performance Engine Oil for stationary Otto and pilot injection gas engines. The highest corrosion protection together with the optimized zinc-free wear protection, excellent acid neutralisation properties and oxidation stability allow a safe and extended oil service in natural gas and especially aggressive gas operations (sewage gas, landfill gas and biogas) also with formaldehyde catalysts. | 2G TA-003 agenitor series 2,3; AGROGEN; CATERPILLAR TR 0199-99-12105; INNIO JENBACHER TA 1000-1109; - A, CAT: series 2, 3, 4 (A, B), 6 (C, E); - B, CAT: series 2, 3, 4 (A, B), 6 (C, E); MAN M 3271-4; MTU Onsite Energy A001072/01D; MWM TR 0199-99-2105; SEVA TRS-07; SPANNER RE2; TEDOM 61-0-0281.1/ L, B, S; | - |
TITAN GANYMET ULTRA LA | Super High Performance Engine Oil, zinc-free, for stationary gas engines | NNIO JENBACHER TA 1000-1109 - A: series 2, 3, 4 (all versions), 6 (all versions incl. Steel piston gas engines versions F und J (J624)); | - |
TITAN GANYMET PLUS | Zinc-free High Performance Engine Oil for stationary Otto and pilot injection gas engines. The highest corrosion prevention together with the optimized zinc-free wear protection and excellent acid neutralisation properties allow a safe and extended oil service in special aggressive gas operations (sewage gas, landfill gas and biogas). | CATERPILLAR TR 0199-99-12105; DREYER & BOSSE; INNIO JENBACHER TA 1000-1109; - B: series 2, 3; MTU Onsite Energy A001072/01D; MWM TR 0199-99-2105; SEVA TRS-07; | - |
TITAN GANYMET PLUS LA | Zinc-free, „Low Ash“ High Performance Engine Oil for stationary gas engines. The highest corrosion prevention together with the excellent zinc-free wear protection and acid neutralisation properties allow a safe and extended oil service. Specially for gas engines fitted with exhaust catalyst and heat exchangers that specify an sulphate ash content of less than 0.5 weight %. | CATERPILLAR TR 0199-99-12105; DEUTZ TR 0199-99-01213; MWM TR 0199-99-2105; SEVA TRS-07; TEDOM 61-0-0281.1/G, P | CATERPILLAR; CUMMINS; WAUKESHA |
TITAN GANYMET PRO MA | High Performance Engine Oil for stationary gas engines running on digester gases such as sewage gas, landfill gas and biogas (e.g. GE Jenbacher gas classes B and C). Reduced sulphated ash content for less deposits. | CATERPILLAR TR 0199-99-12105; INNIO JENBACHER TA 1000-1109; - B, C: series 2, 3, 4 (A, B), 6 (C, E); MAN M 3271-4; MAN M 3271-5; MWM TR 0199-99-2105 | CATERPILLAR (Special gas) |
TITAN GANYMET PRO LA | Low Ash High Performance Engine Oil for stationary gas engines. Specially for gas engines with oxidation or formaldehyd catalysts and heat exchangers that specify a sulphated ash content of less than 0.5 weight %. | CATERPILLAR TR 0199-99-12105; INNIO JENBACHER TA 1000-1109 - A, B: series 2, 3, 4 (A, B), 6 (C, E); MWM TR 0199-99-2105; ROLLS-ROYCE BERGEN B35:40, C26:33, K-G1, -G2, -G3, -G4; WÄRTSILÄ GAS ENGINES 20DF, 31DF, 32DF, 34DF, 46DF, 50DF, 31SG, 34SG, 50SG, 34LPG | CATERPILLAR; CUMMINS; WAUKESHA |
TITAN GANYMET | High Performance Engine Oil for stationary gas engines which run on all types of digester gases such as sewage gas, landfill gas and biogas. | ASJA AMBIENTE ITALIA; INNIO JENBACHER TA 1000-1109 - C: series 2, 3; MAN M 3271-4; MTU Onsite Energy A001072/01D; SEVA TRS-07 | - |
TITAN GANYMET LA | Low Ash High Performance Engine Oil for stationary gas engines. Good corrosion prevention. Specially for gas engines fitted with exhaust catalyst and heat exchangers that specify a sulphate ash content of less than 0.5 weight %. | 2G TA-003 agenitor series 2, 3; AGROGEN; CATERPILLAR TR 0199-99-12105; INNIO JENBACHER TA 1000-1109 - A, CAT: series 2, 3, 4 (A, B), 6 (C, E) - B, CAT: series 2, 3, 4 (A, B), 6 (C, E); MAN M 3271-4; MTU Onsite Energy A001072/01D; MWM TR 0199-99-2105; SEVA TRS-07; SPANNER RE2; TEDOM 61-0-0281.1/L, B, S | - |

Monitoring and laboratory analysis
When a gas engine is commissioned, the oil change intervals are initially determined in accordance with the engine manufacturer‘s operating fluid specifications. Constant oil analyses are very important in this regard, as they give an indicication on how quickly and in what way the oil quality changes. This enables a quick reaction to deviations in the gas quality or the operating mode of the engine and protects the engine from possible damage.
In general, the oil service life and thus the necessary oil change intervals are influenced by the following parameters:
- Gas quality
- Lubricating oil quality
- Engine type
- Oil volume
- Environmental conditions
- Modes of engine operation
It is therefore necessary to monitor the condition of the engine oil with routine oil analyses and then to set individual oil change intervals for every engine. Make use of our fast, professional and complete service for oil analysis. Your engine will benefit.
газові генератори, альтернативна енергетика, когенерація, газові двигуни, газові генератори, газова генерація, мадек, Mobil Pegasus