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Fuchs Mastyla Ukraina receives its individual Corporate Carbon Footprint Certificate for 2021

04.10.2021 - 12:00

FUCHS is actively implementing its neutrality strategy and involving all its affiliates in sustainability projects.

As an intermediate milestone, starting January 2020, FUCHS neutralizes all its gate2gate CO2 emissions, i. e. directly caused by its operations, by means of supporting global projects to counteract climate change. When selecting the projects, the priority is given to the ones from different world regions where FUCHS is active in. Additionally, all the projects must realize aspects of CO2 savings or binding from the atmosphere and, if possible, achieve additional social sustainability benefits like promoting health and well-being or fostering the local economy.

FUCHS ensures that this process is governed by the highest standards and primarily chooses projects with certification according to VCS (Verified Carbon Standard; verra.org) or Gold Standard of the United Nations (UN).


As its next step on the road to achieving carbon neutrality on all levels FUCHS has decided not only to include the producing companies in the calculation and compensation of the corporate footprint (CCF) for the reporting year 2021, but to expand the coverage to also all non-producing affiliates, as well as all joint ventures. The calculation process is carried out by the external service provider Fokus Zukunft, which has been commissioned to accumulate, process and verify the relevant data provided by all FUCHS affiliates and on their basis prepare the greenhouse gas balance report for both the Group in general, and each individual FUCHS company. The report is issued in accordance with the guidelines of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard (GHG Protocol), which is the most widely used and recognized international standard for accounting for greenhouse gas emissions of companies and defines the basic principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency accuracy. The Report itself is aimed at indicating the emissions according to their origin in order to specify possible drivers and reduction potentials.


The Certificate issued on the results of the report acknowledges the CO2-neutral status of FUCHS Mastyla Ukraina within the defined Scope and through offsetting its greenhouse gas emissions by FUCHS PETROLUB SE.


The scope currently covered by FUCHS in its neutrality strategy is limited to its companies and all production related CO2-emissions. However, this does NOT include the raw materials, their CO2-burden and FUCHS products itself. By 2025, FUCHS intends to expand the scope of neutrality significantly by including the entire upstream supply chain and switching to a Cradle-to-Gate-scope. This requires extensive preparations throughout the industry and via associations to develop standards, and FUCHS is actively involved and a driver in this process.

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