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Sustainability in Times of War: Solar system installed at FUCHS Ukraine premises

28.11.2022 - 11:21

The sustainable transformation of FUCHS proceeds and is marked with installation of solar system at FUCHS Ukraine premises.

This is the first sustainability project for Fuchs Mastyla Ukraina LLC and despite the current situation in the country, the company not only succeeds in preserving its business, but also looks into the future with resolve to successfully develop and support Fuchs’ sustainability commitment.

The main sources of energy in Ukraine are gas and coal, followed by nuclear and oil power generation. The coal industry has been disrupted by war, most gas and oil are imported, so reliability of power supply now can be sustainably improved with solar energy plants.

Fuchs Mastyla Ukraina LLC has installed solar system on the roof of the office and warehouse building. Solar panels cover 64 sq.m., their capacity reach 14.720 kW and allow providing clean stable electricity for around 50% of company’s consumption.

As the additional advantage, the system will be an alternative source of energy in case of any operational interruptions and, thus, will ensure business continuity in the event of emergency. Moreover, the expansion of the system planned for the future will allow further reduction of CO2 emissions and conventional electricity consumption.

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