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Opening Round Win for Paige in MSA British Rallycross

21.03.2017 - 12:00

The opening round of the MSA British Rallycross Championship at Croft circuit near Darlington, proved a mix of emotions for Paige and Drew Bellerby on their 2017 campaign.

Drew started her first event of the BMW Mini Challenge against stiff opposition, but nevertheless drove with increasing confidence to a promising grid position in the Mini Final. A strong opening lap saw her lying fourth, before disaster struck at the Chicane after Hawthorn when she was punted into a damaging spin by the car following her.

Her attack blighted, she nevertheless set off in dogged pursuit of the pack, only to be further delayed by a slow puncture. Her only reward was a 5th place in the Mini Challenge table, but this has only stiffened her resolve for the next round at Lydden Hill circuit on Easter Monday.

For big sister Paige, Croft was a succession of fastest times, heat wins, and increasing confidence. Her nearest challenger, also driving a Lotus Exige, was long-time friend but also rival, Ashleigh Simpson; Paige’s best two lap times were each more than a second ahead of Ash’s times.

Four largely drama free heats saw Paige installed on pole position for the 6 lap final, and a blistering start saw her almost half a dozen car-lengths clear of the pursuing pack before she even needed to brake into Clerveaux . Then Simpson set off in determined pursuit with Alan Tapscott chasing hard, and by the third lap was harrying Paige at every twist and turn. A tense two laps had the sizeable crowd on the edge of their seats when on the last lap Simpson made a desperate lunge to take Paige on the outside of the Hairpin – but Paige’s nerve, and line, held steady and he spun off, leaving Paige a clear run to the chequered flag and maximum championship points.

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