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More good championship points for Sharp Motorsport

14.06.2021 - 11:19

The below is the lastest PR from Sharp Motorsport following the 2nd round of the 750 Motor Club Tegiwa Type-R Trophy.

Round 2: CROFT Race Report

Following on from a great round one at Silverstone the team was looking to carry that pace into round 2 at Croft circuit. Qualifying proved tricky for Arron as initially he had to deal with traffic on the opening laps, this meant Arron couldn’t get a clear lap. Towards the end of the 15 minuite session on lap 6 Arron managed to put in his best lap time, his times were getting faster and faster every lap he completed but unfortunately the session ended and Arron qualified 9th position out of 28 cars for Race 1.

Race 1:
Arron’s plan for race 1 was to gain some places to score some valuable championship points and this would also mean he would start further up the grid for race 2. Arron had a great start and was soon to make up some places on the opening laps, midway through the race Arron luckily avoided a collision and managed to bring the car home in 7thposition, gaining 2 positions from his starting position.

Race 2:
After gaining 2 positions in race 1 Arron would start further up the grid for race 2. Arron lost one position off the start line but still managed to have a great first lap and picked off multiple cars to get up to 5th position at the end of lap one and was hot on the heels of the pack of cars in front. Unfortunately, after all the hard work on lap one a novice behind tried an ambitious move into the hairpin and made contact with Arron resulting in both cars going off track onto the wet grass. This now put Arron down to 9th position. Arron managed to get back on track and bring the car home in 9thposition after a very frustrating race.

The team is now looking forward to the next race meeting at Snetterton circuit in July.

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