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Fifth for Smith in Feature Race as Paasch crashes out

23.08.2021 - 11:13

Dynavolt Triumph’s Kyle Smith salvaged a fantastic top five finish from a challenging weekend in today’s 16-lap Quattro Group British Supersport feature race in front of a bumper crowd at Cadwell Park. It’s fair to say that the unique nature of the Lincolnshire circuit was unlike any other Smith has any experience of but, from the sixth row of the grid, Smith rode a defensive race to cross the line in fifth position and holds on to fourth in the championship, just 30 points off the top.

Kyle Smith: “A more positive day today, we’ve learned something about the direction with setup. We’ve gone back to what we had at the beginning of the season. It feels better but still got lots to work on. Look on the bright side, finishing P5 is good for the championship so just continue working on that and see if we can be more competitive in the next races.”

Teammate Brandon Paasch’s race ended prematurely when he collided with Jack Scott at Chris Curve (T5) on lap 4 taking them both out of the race. Paasch acknowledged his error and is looking ahead to Snetterton to make amends.

Brandon Paasch: “Done and dusted here at Cadwell Park. Race two did NOT go to plan to say the least. Sorry to Jack Scott. Unfortunate incident but we’re coming out of here healthy so we’ll move on to Snetterton and see what we can do.”

Dynavolt Triumph Team Manager Simon Buckmaster: “From 16th on the grid is always difficult but we found improvements in lap times and Kyle got more to grips with Cadwell. A good bit of progress from him to finish fifth, obviously we want more but he’s got a much better feel for the bike so we can be happy with that. In the end, from a difficult weekend, that was a really positive performance by Kyle in race 2.”

“Brandon rode well yesterday and had podium potential but I have to be honest, he was involved in a dice with Jack Scott (GP2 bike) and he made a lunge far too late, there’s no way Jack saw him coming. They collided and both went down. We can only say it was a silly mistake by Brandon and hopefully he’ll learn from it. Let’s look forward to Snetterton a track that’s more suited to Kyl

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