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Silverware for Ashleigh at Knockhill

16.08.2018 - 10:00

Report from Ashleigh Morris:

Ashleigh Morris Racing headed down to Knockhill Racing Circuit for the fifth Celtic Speed Scottish MINI Cooper Cup race meeting of the year and despite weather not as great as 5 weeks before, this did not dampen our spirits! This time we were competing in The David Leslie Super Touring Festival event on the 4th and 5th August. This event is the Scottish Motor Racing Clubs tribute to one of Scotland’s greatest ever drivers with a selection of Touring and Super Touring cars being on display and competing in their own feature races.

We were still on a high from our last weekends race results and as ever hoped for more improvement. Unfortunately, we were unable to make it down for some extra track time in between events due to #77 being under repair after the July meet, but we got the car shipshape and looking great once more – We even managed to get it on display for 2K Customs at their Inverness Show and Shine event. Thanks, extend again, to Steven Clark Motor Body Repairs, 2K Customs, Addison Graphics and of course my Dad (Cammy) for getting #77 back together and ready to race!

My parents headed down early on Friday with the car to secure a spot in the paddock while I was at work. I left straight after in the hope of not arriving too late. We were all in our beds very early due to having such a long day, but also because we knew we had an early start the next day as testing was to commence first thing in the morning. It was a jampacked schedule across the whole weekend but unfortunately this meant we were restricted to two 20-minute test sessions – so they had to count!

On Saturday morning we headed to the circuit for what looked to be a cool, dry day. We were met by the Bridgend Racing Development guys – Garry Ingram and Andrew Chalmers who were with us all weekend. Together they’re the “Gurus!”  The Tea Wifie (Mum) would have a hard job ahead… Keeping Andy in coffee!!

We had to be on the ball straight away. Test session 1 was initially a bit of a shakedown and after a couple of tyre pressure adjustments the last few laps were at full chat. Turns out they were quick enough to post 3rd quickest time, but I wasn’t totally happy with the car. I felt the brakes were giving me trouble, specifically the rears. It felt like something was stuck, preventing me from progressing as quickly as I’d have liked to. A quick check over of the car between sessions uncovered a couple of issues. The rear caliper was sticking and rear wheel bearing starting to fail. Our thinking caps were on as I turned to Dad and said “Nothing is ever easy?!”

These were temporarily rectified and session two was completed without any problems, again setting really solid, consistent times. Carol Brown was a savior as she was able to locate a set of bearings. Carol and I made a dash to Livingston Autoparts which saw the team get the car back together and ready for the qualifying on Sunday, in the hope all would be well.

On Sunday morning we woke to a dull but dry day. We were first out on track for Qualifying which was a lot earlier than normal at 8:35am - needed to waken up!

Garry Ingram and I devised a plan and we headed out for the 15-minute session. Sadly, the session was interrupted with red flags being waved when Long in #50 ended up in the gravel, in an unsafe position in between the Chicane and Clarks just as I was going for a hot lap! We had to head to the pits while his car was recovered. I quickly spoke to Dad about how the car was going and headed down to the pit lane exit. This saw me queue up first for the second part of the session which, annoyingly, didn’t go as planned either! A combination of traffic and a car coming to a halt directly in front of me meant I was unable to piece a great lap together! I did however, manage a quick enough lap which saw mw qualify P10 – the best I had done in 2018 so far! I came into the paddock a little disheartened as our plan had not worked and I felt I’d let the team down ever so slightly. However, on seeing their faces, I could see that the team were in fact very happy with this result which meant I could be too! We all looked forward to race 1!

After quali I spoke with the team about a couple of things that still niggled me while in the car. I left the “Gurus” to it as just a small tinker was required. Meanwhile I spent some time trying to get myself dialed in for Race One and also greeting my lucky mascots!! Wee Sophie and Duncan (Ingram) were back and bringing me support, smiles and most importantly – Cuddles!

With this being the best, I had qualified, I felt very tense all morning. The MINIs were called to the assembly area where the team and I had our usual pre-race pep talks. I lined up next to Craig Blake in car No. 95 on the grid and anxiously awaited the lights. I had a good start, passing Blake 95 off the line. Going into Duffus for the first time I was on the outside line and we were side by side. As we quickly approached turn three we were till side by side rounding it before I slipped in behind him at Leslies before anyone could come through ahead of me. It was single file as we came around Clarks corner but opportunities arose approaching the Hairpin. I managed to pass Wheatley #4 around the outside of the Hairpin and charge on up the straight, entering lap two! Chasing the pack, I took slightly too much kerb at Duffus but came out unscathed as I managed to take advantage of Ian Munro #23 running wide at Macintyres. Entering Leslies, side by side, I managed to pull away. On car 95’s tail, I followed him round Clarks as we claimed the inside line, passing Weddell on the outside line. Directly in front of Blake was Douglas Simpson in #81. I knew I needed a good run up the straight to get past one if not both of them. I came out behind them but had a much better exit at the Hairpin which, saw me have the legs on them as we went three abreast up the Start/Finish straight. I went for the inside line, which almost had me off track but they gave me room once we all realized three might not go into turn one! I held my line however, and came out ahead at Duffus. I made the move stick well, and pulled away from them as they battled. Ahead of me I could see the pack of front runners tussling. I ran out of laps before being able to join them but was gradually gaining, which I took as a massive positive! So… where did I finish I hear you all ask…

I only went and crossed the line fifth overall!!! On the in lap the harness could barely keep me in the seat I was that elated by our result! I was in disbelief at what we had achieved, and knew I would be going back into a VERY happy team! Before I could come back in though, I had one thing to do – look out for my lucky mascots and give them the biggest waves! 

It was smiling all round as the whole squad were jumping for joy! This was my best race result to date and we couldn’t I couldn’t have been prouder of my team for helping me get there! If Steven Clark had picked me up once more however, I fear we’d have been one team member down! We need no broken backs please!! With Race One going so well we had a good feeling going into Race Two!

Race one results saw Robbie Dalgleish (91) take the top step followed by David Sleigh (5) in P2 and Hannah Chapman (8) in P3. Also… 21 cars started that race – 21 finished!! I think everyone should be delighted with that!

We didn’t have a lot of time in between race one and two. With results being what we were the car was left untouched, only topped up with fuel and left to rest after a hard-fought race one!

My nerves were even worse that in Race one – my tummy was going like a washing machine! We were called to the assembly area and asked to position ourselves next to the holding bay wall – We had never been here before! It was a day of firsts as I lined up P5 on the grid! Normally by this point I have zoned in completely and I’m focussing on the time boards and looking for the lights but unfortunately, I let my nerves totally get the better of me. I got myself in a bit of a flap as I struggled with my start. I had a poor one compared with Simpson (81) who started P6 but was caught behind a slightly slower Duncan (24) in front into turn one. I slipped down to 6th place where I remained the whole race. I chased hard throughout but just couldn’t catch them. I played it safe on the last couple of laps to make sure I took it home, securing another good result! In true “Ashleigh form”, I came in slightly disappointed but now know I shouldn’t have! Once back to the paddock, I saw the whole team who were more than pleased but we stood in silence, listening to Knockhill Radio to see who of the top eight would claim Pole Position for Race Three in the Reverse Grid draw. Being in this position was another first for us! Everyone looked anxious just as P5 was announced and we missed out by one place. 

Race two once more saw Robbie Dalgleish (91) bring it home first and David Sleigh (5) in second with Hannah Chapman (8) for company in P3.

In between Race Two and Three it was a case of constant clock watching. We went trackside to watch the Super Touring feature race this didn’t stop my tummy from doing somersaults as I struggled to calm my nerves. After a lot of persuasion, Andy managed to get me to eat something. I felt like the pressure was on going into this race but knew I had it in me to do better after finishing further up in the first race of the day.

I lined up P6 on the track with Race one and two winner Robbie Dalgleish (91) for company. Although better than race two, again, I struggled off the line with my silly nervousness hindering me! However, I was able to retain my position behind Robbie heading into Turn One. Not being used to sitting so far up on the grid had a massive impact on all my starts – Hopefully this won’t be the same in the future but it was potentially a blessing in disguise I hadn’t been picked for pole! Ahead of me I could see Chapman (8) and Simpson (81) closing in on one another and eventually have a coming together at Butchers. Not totally sure of where they would end up I felt evasive action was required. While it may not sound sensible, I stand by my decision as I took to the VERY inside of the Chicane – Cutting over the grass to avoid being caught up in anything. I came back on behind Dalgleish (91) and Chapman (8). Robbie narrowly missed out on damage while Hannah looked to have a piece of trim hanging off. After that excitement it looked to settle slightly as we all got around Clarks. On the back straight of Lap One however, we all had to slow when Safety Car boards were shown by marshals. At the time, I assumed it was for Simpson but the safety car was needed after an incident involving William Blake (26) at Macintyres. Once his car was pulled to a place of safety the lights on the safety car went out and it was business as usual – time to go racing again! To my utter disappointment I had chosen the wrong gear for the restart and was concerned I’d left myself vulnerable on track. I was referred to as “caught napping” over the commentary – not my best moment! Despite this, I managed to hold onto my position and gain on Chapman (8) up the main straight and into Duffus. I made my move on car #8, passing her at the hairpin. Up ahead, I could see the top three batting hard and my main focus was to chase them down rather than worry about defending. John Duncan (24) was leading the pack with Sleigh (5) and Dalgleish (91) chasing hard. Dalgleish got by as Duncan and Sleigh fought over the same bit of track at Clarks. As I rounded the corner I could see dust and car #24 spinning off towards the infield. Without realising, this had out me up to P3! When I did realise, I had to REALLY focus on chasing cars ahead and making each lap count. This proved to be more difficult with each lap, as my tyres were beginning to go off and my laps were getting a bit untidy. A slower Chapman earlier on in the race had allowed Michael Weddell (7) and Ian Munro (23) to close the gap slightly - they were on a charge through up the field! I locked up at the hairpin which saw the gap between them and I close even more. On the second to last lap they got the run on me approaching the Hairpin. A split-second decision saw me opt out of defending too hard as I didn’t want to jeopardise the potential Ladies Win. I followed them round on the last lap and my tyres just went from me! I went shooting off at Clarks as if I’d never turned the wheel to make the corner which saw them pull away. LUCKILY, I didn’t lose my position. I quickly regained my composure and crossed the line… P5 when the chequered flag was waved!

Again, now knowing, I shouldn’t have been so hard on myself when I came into Parc Ferme. I had my Dad and Steven Clark dancing with happiness in the pit lane for Pete sakes!! I was a tad disappointed as I could have had a P3 overall podium. However, coming into Parc Ferme and being asked to pull over for the podium presentation, I really didn’t have much to complain about – I was taking home silverware after all! The whole team made it down to celebrate with me. It was great to see the smiles on their faces – Each and every one of them, as well as all my sponsors deserved that trophy as much as I did. When I returned to the paddock I was showered in “bosies” from my Lucky Mascots Sophie and Duncan and the rest of the team.

Making it three out of three was Robbie Dalgleish (91), crossing the line first at the chequered flag! Following him home was David Sleigh in P2 and in P3 (it should have been me!) was Ian Munro who fought with Weddell to the line to secure it! Weddell received first newcomer and finishing off the podium was someone called… Ashleigh Morris?! Ladies winner!
I felt good, but seeing everyone’s faces, being greeted with congratulations and hearing the enjoyment in their voices made it all the more worthwhile! The cherry on top of the cake… No battle scars this time! #77 was coming home as immaculately as it arrived so Steven Clark can relax for the next little while!

Roll on next month for another Reverse Direction Race Meeting at Knockhill Racing Circuit!

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