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Good Points Haul for Ashleigh in BMW Compact Cup

13.04.2017 - 12:00

Ashleigh Morris and her team made the journey south to Knockhill Racing Circuit on Friday 7th April for the opening round of the BMW Compact Cup.

Ashleigh's report:

We got up to the circuit and got our spot sorted for the weekend’s events and made a start on following the boss’s instructions prior to our four test sessions. With it set up we headed for the track. Struggling with the hair pin massively all day, really hampered progress and I really wasn’t sure what I was doing wrong. “Guru” Garry Ingram of Team Clark offered help and we changed a few things on the car and the problems at the hair pin had practically disappeared! Coach Carol Brown helped explain the reasons behind the changes that were made. We were happy to continue down this route to see what further improvements we could come by. Sadly, we ran out of time on Saturday, so we didn’t get much else done. We struggled on Saturday and by running out of time I wasn’t able to get a set up I was 100% happy with, but… If you ask anyone, I’m never happy! We had a couple camera blunders on Saturday to throw in to the mix but that was easily rectified, thank goodness!

Sunday morning felt quite mild so we were happy to see the sun – that meant dry settings all round! Still not 100 % with how the car felt because of the difference in set up, I just had to tell myself to go for it regardless of the situation.

I left the holding are with plenty space in front. Fast guys were behind me so I allowed for them to pass safely while preparing myself for the next ten minutes. Gary Clark #1 was one of them and I tried to follow him, but essentially, I regained the space I needed to get a good lap in. Paul and Ewan were on the pit board and I saw 12. I knew I needed to pick up the pace but I just couldn’t find any! According to my lap timer I was consistent but just not quick enough. I dropped to P13 for Race One.

Changes ahead of race one were made, tyres and pressures etc. Race one was on us before I even realised it! The schedule was running half an hour early which wasn’t a bad thing! We lined up in the assembly area and the nerves were really starting to set in. I got my pep talk from Paul Clark to get my head straight and my mum was there to hold my hand (literally!), when she wasn’t pacing of course! The whole team had a job to do, Ewan’s was take the jack down… and break his phone in the process! Oops! When the whistle blew, we were out on circuit, for the first race of 2017. We had the usual green flag lap and then it was go time! The lights went out and I got Jake Hutchison in #10 off the line! I nearly got alongside Mackie in #53 by Turn 1 but wasn’t quick enough, and by then I had Robertson in #46 in my mirrors after what must have been a lightning start by him! I got the inside coming into Macintyre’s and secured my position, all the while having Mackie in my sights. The first lap was half defensive and half attacking but after that I set about getting past the cars in front. Out of the chicane, Cormack in #57 ran wide unsettling himself allowing Mackie and myself to close the gap. At the hairpin, Mackie got by and I thought I nearly had too but Cormack had a better run out of the corner and pulled away from me up the straight. This annoyed me but I had to tell myself to keep focused. Staying calm definitely paid off as Cormack went off, kicking up plenty dust at Macintyre’s and made a mad dash to get back onto the circuit, by this point I was by him at Butchers and had Mackie back in my line of vision! The gap between us would open and close, I got close to passing at Clarks Corner but the door was closed in the last seconds and I wasn’t able to do so. Again, in the same lap I attempted to pass at the hair pin but Mackie was great at making his car wide! Next time round I had him and I nearly breathed a sigh of relief but realised I had a race to finish! I gapped as he then battled cars behind us and I told myself to look forward! Newcomer McGill was ahead of me but the distance between us was too much for me to get by before the chequered flag was waved. I thought I’d crossed the line in tenth place, but was delighted when my mum told me back in the paddock that it was in fact 9th!! Bringing it over the line in single digits was not something I thought I would accomplish after the days testing I had but, I never gave up!

In between race one and race two we had some time to kill, so did the necessary to the car. We went to get extra fuel in case it was needed and I went to watch my sister and cousin have a go on the Karts at Knockhill! What a laugh! We watched some racing and then it was time to get back into race mode myself!

Again, we were called early but a very bad accident in the Fiesta race meant we were sat in the assembly area for a very long time… this was not doing anything good for my nerves, or my bladder! As I was about to give in and dart off to the loo the whistle blew and again, we were out on track. Lined up in front of me were McGill and Elrick and again I was alongside Robertson. This time I had a terrible start, which immediately got me fired up! Robertson was away in a flash, in front of me by turn 1 but, I had the bit between my teeth and I was back up to 9th by turn 3. Approaching the chicane it appeared as if there was some sort of stramash as I’m nearly positive I saw one of the black cars with a hand waving out the window so I took a bit of a cautious approach as I was not sure what was going on at all. On the straight up to Clarks normal service resumed. Just a few laps in I had managed to get away from the pack behind but again, wasn’t close enough to the pack in front to tag on. I saw the safety car on the move closely followed by the SC boards at the pit lane entry post so slowed down. I thought this would be good for tagging onto the cars in front, but soon realised that meant the pack behind me were right on my tail again. The safety car was deployed for just a couple laps and then we went racing once more! Cormack had got himself buried in the gravel opposite Butchers which meant he was out of the race. Just two laps later, Cliffy Harper who was sitting P 2 got spun round at the hair pin putting him right at the back, everyone managed to pass him safely but for car #72, the race was ruined. The offending driver was penalised by the Clerk of the Course for this. I soon had #10 on my tail and a good move by him at the hair pin saw him get the cut back, I defended too much! In a straight line there was just no catching him! Cliffy caught up and made it past the two of us, easily! I still focused on getting past Jake but even just inches from his bumper in the corners I was unable to get by which made for a really good battle but frustrating race! I crossed the line P10, not without attempts to regain 9th but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be!

I can’t grumble too much though! On Saturday I didn’t think I’d be making the top ten at all, and then when I qualified 13th I thought the only luck I was getting was bad luck! I went out this weekend to make a solid start to my season and get points on the table. That I have!

I’ve had a chance to look back at my test and race footage and they will no doubt be under scrutiny from the rest of the team but I myself have quickly noticed where I need to make changes in my performance. I look forward to getting back out on track and getting stuck in!

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