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Ashleigh Morris Race Report - Rockingham

29.06.2017 - 12:00

Read Ashleigh's report below:

Literally, in the middle of the night on 15th June my Ashleigh Morris Racing team were headed for Rockingham Motor Speedway for the first ever time. My dad and I shared the driving which proved to be quite hard going at times but we made it nonetheless and in convoy with Team Clark! It didn’t seem to take as long as we were expecting, but 14 hours is still long enough!

With ice cream breaks along the way, we arrived in the evening and got ourselves a spot in the outer paddock at the circuit. The next morning, we were up there early to get ourselves ready for getting into our pit garage! As we’re not at all used to this, it was great to have a garage for the day! We were able to get everything set out as we wanted and most importantly we had a plug for the kettle! This must be what the BTCC feels like?!!

We only had the garage for testing and testing took place on the Friday. To try and prepare myself for a new circuit, the only thing I could do was watch YouTube videos. This helped me find my way around and gave me a rough idea of what to expect. We were given five 40 minute sessions so this gave us a lot of time to suss things out... and you'll have guessed already, I took full advantage of that!

In the first session, I can't lie - I really struggled, the track is so intimidating. As I said, watching the videos gave me a good idea of what to do regarding turn in and braking points but doing so didn’t give me the confidence to ‘go for it’ straight away. Irrationally, I started to think wouldn’t be able to do it at all – but I had all day to try. In the sessions that followed, I endeavoured to work out what the car was doing so that I could get my Dad to make the necessary changes that would help make the car and this new circuit easier to drive. There was understeer on some parts of the track and there was oversteer on others, so it was all about trying to find the balance. It proved to be quite difficult.

We narrowed it down a great deal and one final tweak was made before our set up for the weekend was worked out. This was a great feeling, I was genuinely relieved because we've struggled at our home circuit to get it sorted so quickly. All I needed now was the self-confidence. I got some advice and spoke about the circuit layout and gearing with Cliff Harper and Gary Clark which, helped considerably. Paul Clark was also able to give me some motivational advice. He drew a picture that he then placed on my steering wheel to keep me going – “Buster Gonads” was the theme of this extremely detailed drawing! If it did one thing, it made us all giggle which was definitely needed at the time! As far as the BMW pack goes, #77 and I may not have been the quickest but my personal lap times had improved vastly so we knew we were going the right direction ahead of qualifying. By the end of the day we were very happy with our improvement and looked forward to the next few days.

On Friday afternoon, we were able to get sound checked, scrutineered and signed on prior to race day on Saturday. We got this out of the way before we headed back to the outer paddock to set up for the rest of the weekend.

On day two (Saturday), the BMW's were the first qualifying session out on track. Temperatures were in the high 20s – I’m unsure of what the track temperature was! For a redhead that barely sees the sun, that was a struggle in itself!

With the track being much bigger than what we are used to at Knockhill, it gave everyone clear space to complete the 15-minute qualifying session.

Steven Goldie went off at the Tarzan hairpin so as he was removed from the car and taken to a safe spot we were warned by flag signals to be extremely cautious going around there. Code 60 was not used and luckily, they kept the track live which allowed us to complete the session in full. With a few more laps under my belt, I had started to settle in a bit more. I wouldn't have said I was 100% comfortable yet, but a daunting track unfortunately meant there was a nervous driver behind the wheel. As you will all know, a nervous driver isn't good for the car so I had to try and snap out of it. I pushed on throughout the session, my aim was P 10. I qualified P 11. I wasn't far off my target so was quite happy, as was the rest of the team. The team and I were looking forward to race one later in the day – I was eager to get racing and knew my competitive side would soon take over once the helmet was on!

Shortly after the session came to an end, the driver of Car 21 was called to race control, where he was told he was to serve a 10-place grid penalty. This was in relation to the driver picking up three driving standards penalties at previous meetings. This meant he was removed from P7 and put to the back of the grid - I moved into P 10!

Ali Smith qualified on pole with Cliff Harper in P2. Team Clark had struggled with a few technical glitches on their new engine but pulled P3 out the bag so it was a great start for them!

It hadn't been confirmed to me 100% about the P 10 start position but when I was directed to the number 10 spot I was more than pleased to take it! P10 is on the outside of the track and advice from my good friend Steven King was to try and get to the inside for the first hairpin (Deene).

Off the start line, I lost a place – I’m going to put that down to the lack of starts on a flat surface… Do you think that will fly with the team boss?! It was a bizarre feeling not being in a single file line of traffic into the first corner but we all managed to get through cleanly. Race one started okay and when I made a pass at Deene on John Robertson #46 I thought to myself “I've got this!”

I started alongside Lee Elrick – a speedy racer, especially at Knockhill! Him and I discussed some of the problems we were having the day before, most of which were very similar. I had my eyes on his car the whole way around as he was at the back of the pack that raced in front of me. They appeared to be slightly out of reach to me as I had tussled with others to get through. I kept a steady pace which lead to me pulling away from the cars of Robertson and Prince #29 behind. I thought if I could keep going like this I would be able to catch the pack in front! After all, I was well out of harm’s way from the following cars.

I drove a few laps with no other cars close around me and although that makes for a lonely race, it was good for getting my confidence up. To the front of me, I noticed a plume of smoke! No. 21 had run over the sausage kerbs at the Brook chicane and burst his sump, dumping oil all over the exit of the corner leading onto the fastest part of the track. As usual bad luck likes to make an appearance as I got caught out by the oil and spun. This was my fault for not reacting correctly. The two cars behind me got past. I tried my hardest to hook on to them but I was too far back to make a move on either Robertson #46 or Prince #29. I finished the race in 12th but had I not hit oil, I could have crossed the line P9. 8th would have actually been achieved because Car #21 did not finish.

The other car that got past me resulting in my 12th place finish was reigning champ Gary Clark. He had further car problems during the race and took to the pitlane. We got him past me and I tried to latch on to the back of his car for the remainder of the race.

I was disappointed after race one as I felt I had it “in the bag.” As I said, this was my ‘old friend’ bad luck reminding me it was still here. However, I'm very happy to have finished without any car troubles! We didn't know 10 days ago if we are going to make Rockingham never mind finish a race! I wish I had defended a bit more with Gary - it would have been interesting to see what Dad and Papa Clark would have had to say about it....

After race one I knew I had it in me to race well, so I chose to take the positives out of it which, from time to time can be a bit of a struggle!

Ali Smith went on to win the race followed by Douglas Simpson in second. Cliffy Harper finished P3 losing out to 2nd as he also got caught out by the oil patch.

Some more troubleshooting was required for Gary Clark's car. A master switch reset during the race is what got him through and had everybody thinking. Cliffy Harper also required help to sort his engine as 300 yards over the finish line, his car came to a halt. We packed up #77 after getting her race two ready and Ewan and I watched the Scottish Mini race which, was drama filled as usual! Watching from the top tier of the grandstand at Rockingham was unbelievably enjoyable, I didn't realise you could see the whole circuit! I'd recommend trying to watch from there to anyone, as long as you don't mind having to walk up all those steps!

As temperatures climbed, I was aware that Sunday was to be even hotter, so I went in search of some shorts! I dropped the team off at The Chequered Flag (a pub!) – It was time for the second race of the day… who was going to reach the bar first?!! Unsure of who won that race, they all looked like winners to me when I appeared back for them - They were quite pleased with themselves, pints in hand – It would have been a shame to drag them away! It was early to bed for me however, we were the first race of day the next morning! We were up to the circuit sharp to prepare for race two on Sunday morning. The heat was unreal! Two gingers hunted for shade but even then, it was too hot, there wasn’t a breath of wind. The temperature was over 30°C as we made our way to the holding area. I was joined by my dad and Ewan who wished me all the best for my final race at Rockingham. I looked forward to it as I lined up next to Gary Clark. It was a tall order but I planned to try my best to stay with Clark once the lights were out. I started on row si,x again positioned on the outside of the trap in P12.

When the lights went out, the Number One car made a better start but I followed him round the outside line of the circuit. At the time, I didn't see who but later on discovered at the first hairpin, a car had been spun. It turned out to be Steven Goldie in #40. Speaking to him after the race, he mentioned that a tap to the back of his car caused the incident. Without too much more fuss, everyone else got around Deene hairpin as I continued to follow Gary Clark, passing Prince #29 at the same time. The infield part of the circuit was tricky on that first lap but, I was able to defend and get a good exit out of the Brooke chicane, giving me a good run up the straight and through Turn One passing Hutchison on the inside with a ‘last of the late brakers’ lunge at Deene hairpin. This race was proving to be a good one with more action than the first. Huntly who started at the back of the grid, managed to make a good start but got spun by John Robertson out of Brooke on the straight – luckily no one was caught up in this and I was able to take advantage! The next few laps for me were driven very carefully as I had a pack of three consisting of Hutchison #10, Huntly #21 and Goldie #40 pursuing me. I did well to keep them behind for so long but overshooting the hairpin cost to me as Huntly was able to squeeze up the inside. In doing so, this meant my line into Yentwood was all wrong and by Chapman Curves, Hutchison was able to pass on the inside. If I hadn’t lost momentum this wouldn’t have happened. I wasn’t for giving up though - the scuffle was a good one, clean and fair at all times! Goldie was hot on my tail as I defended from him. Goldie being a podium finisher, he managed to get by but only after a good wee tussle! I caught up with the pack at Tarzan and along the School Straight on the last lap. Everyone ahead bunched up but not before catching John Robertson #46. Huntly passed Robertson again. Goldie got by him tidily but on the exit at Brook, and at the speed along the straight very nearly at the finish line, there was a coming together! Hutchison took the inside line to exit onto the main straight while John was on the outside. From my on-board John looked to come down as Hutchison ran off naturally which led to the two cars colliding. Paul Clark called them cat-like reflexes, as I moved swiftly out of the way in order to avoid this! Before the collision I was sitting P12 again, but was setting up my fastest lap of the weekend as I gained on time I had lost. The collision ahead resulted in John Robertson spinning into the pit wall and retiring therefore, I finished 11th!

Finishing 11th meant I collected tenth place points. This was due to Ruaridh Clark being a guest driver. Ali Smith made it another double, crossing the line firsr in Race Two! Cliffy Harper who was in the lead for a short period, claimed the second step on the podium and 3rd was guest Ruaridh Clark. Douglas Simpson finished fourth ahead of Gary Clark you had a great drive to get to 5th. I took great delight in being the one to tell Gary and his team some good news on the way home over the radios in our little convoy! Douglas Simpson received a five second time penalty for continuing to exceed track limits therefore, this meant Gary finished fourth! I then pointed out to them that in fact, Team Clark picked up P3 points, an absolutely brilliant result!

There was good news for me too! All reported incidents throughout the race where investigated by the Clerk of the Course, one of which was resulting in Huntly #21 being excluded from the results of the race and four license penalty points for driving in a manner incompatible with general safety. This bumped me up to P10! Consequently, I collected ninth place points!! This was a great result for me and the team because solid points finishes is what we wear after. My progress over the weekend all in all, was very good at a circuit I've never been to before. I am quite satisfied with how I performed, perhaps wishing nerves didn't get the better of me for the most part. Nevertheless, if I get the opportunity to go to Rockingham again I know what to expect and not to be so worried. Coming into Parc Ferme after race 2 and seeing my Dad and Ewan topped off a great race, it appeared that they had enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed racing it!

The journey home was long, but full of laughter as once again we convoyed with Team Clark. All of us are now looking forward to the next round in a weeks’ time. The engine etc seems to be performing well and I am keen to show everyone what I am more than capable of doing. Hopefully we won't have to do it in 34°C heat this time round! I’m up to 8th in the Championship now and hope to maintain and better that as the season goes on!

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