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Rob's Epic Cycle Challenge

31.07.2017 - 12:00

The Automotive Head of Business Development at FUCHS LUBRICANTS is to take on a gruelling 340 mile cycle ride from Paris to Swansea in aid of charity. Rob East is amongst a group of enthusiastic cyclists who will peddle from the French capital to South Wales over four days at the start of August.

Rob is one of 10 in the group raising money for the Paul Popham Fund, which helps renal patients across Wales to receive a better quality of life. Furthermore, Hanley-based FUCHS SILKOLENE, a leading manufacturer of motorcycle and cycle oils, is backing the cyclists by sponsoring the group’s shirts and supplying products to keep their bikes in tip-top condition.The products include FUCHS SILKOLENE Everyday Chain Lube, Maintenance Spray, Wash Off and PRO RG2 grease.

Rob said: “This will be a really enjoyable challenge with some fantastic scenery. “I am a regular cyclist and took part in the 64 mile FUCHS SILKOLENE Tour of the Potteries back in June, but 340 miles over four days is a different kettle of fish. “We have a family connection with the Paul Popham Fund so I know a bit about the fantastic work the charity does in helping people with kidney problems.

“I’m grateful to FUCHS for stepping in with some sponsorship and also the products, which will help us keep our bikes in good condition as we cycle for home.”

Each of the rider needs to raise around £1350 for this charity event. Rob would really appreciate you supporting him on his journey with a donations to :- www.localgiving.org/robeast

The cyclists will fly to Paris and then cover an average of 85 miles a day, eventually arriving in Swansea on August 6 to a hero’s welcome.

Joanne Popham, of Paul Popham Fund, said: “There are around 10,000 people with renal disease in Wales. “We are constantly fundraising to help to give those people a better quality of life. The money from this fundraiser will go towards wellbeing projects to support children and youth with chronic kidney problems.

“They will go away on a weekend to learn how to self-manage their condition. They’ll do things like climbing and walking to help them realise that they can live a normal life. The weekend will cost around £15,000.”

Rob and his wife Trish have already raised £750 by organizing a family & friends BBQ and live band at a local venue.

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