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UKLA and HSE collaborate on Industry-leading videos to demonstrate fluid quality checks on Metalworking Fluids

22.05.2023 - 10:06

The United Kingdom Lubricants Association (UKLA) Metalworking Fluid Product Stewardship Group (MWFPSG) is proud to announce the launch of industry-leading videos based on the UKLA/HSE Good Practice Guidance for Managing Metalworking Fluids (MWFs).

Produced in partnership with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), with the support of The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, the videos have been developed for the industry by the industry.  There are ten short stand-alone videos, to support and encourage greater compliance in the safe management of metalworking fluids.

Highlights include:

  • Easy to follow demonstrations of the quick and simple tests that should be carried out
  • Advice on effective storage and mixing of metalworking fluids
  • Information on protecting the health of workers and assets

The series is essential viewing for all workshop owners and managers, health & safety representatives, workshop supervisors, machine operators and trainee operators.  You can watch the series on the UKLA MWFPSG YouTube channel.

Fiona McGarry, Health & Safety Executive Lead on Metalworking Fluids commented "exposure to metalworking fluids can cause serious lung disease, it is really important that the right control measures and fluid quality checks are in place, these videos will help industry carry them out".  

Caroline Slinn, FUCHS LUBRICANTS (UK) plc Laboratory Services Manager and UKLA Member of the Metalworking Fluid Product Stewardship Group said "these videos provide an important step, building on good practice in the workplace and promoting this for the benefit of our end users."



  1. The MWFPSG comprises of eighteen lubricant suppliers, blenders, and marketers whose aim is to assist in the education of end users, enhance the health and safety provision to members and their customers’ employees, and provide qualified, expert reviewed information to industry and the public Metalworking Fluid Product Stewardship | UKLA
  2. View the UKLA & HSE Good Practice Guide for Safe Handling & Disposal of Metalworking Fluids PDF


Caroline Slinn
FUCHS LUBRICANTS (UK) plc Laboratory Services Manager and UKLA MWFPSG Member
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