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Ad hoc: FUCHS achieves record earnings once again

Ad hoc: FUCHS achieves record earnings once again

FUCHS PETROLUB AG, the Mannheim lubricants specialist with worldwide operations, continued its positive development of the first nine months of 2003 in the fourth quarter. According to preliminary figures, net income of € 30.9 million for the year 2003 will once again exceed the record set in the prior year (€ 24.1 million). Sales revenues reached € 1,041 million (€ 1,065 million). Organic growth amounted to 3.8 %, but due to the substantial appreciation of the euro, total sales revenues decreased by 2.2 %. At the end of 2003, the company employed 4,220 persons worldwide (4,081). The current year has also begun well. Organic growth was at 1.4 % in the first two months of the year, but it was also negatively affected by currency-translation effects. The Group anticipates a further increase in earnings for full-year 2004. FUCHS PETROLUB will present its complete financial statements for the year 2003 at its Annual Press Conference in Mannheim on April 23, 2004.
Important note This Ad hoc-release contains statements about future development that are based on assumptions and estimates by the management of FUCHS PETROLUB AG. Even if the management is of the opinion that these assumptions and estimates are accurate, future actual developments and future actual results may differ significantly from these assumptions and estimates due to a variety of factors. These factors can include changes to the overall economic climate, changes to exchange rates and interest rates and changes in the lubricants industry. FUCHS PETROLUB AG provides no guarantee that future developments and the results actually achieved in the future will agree with the assumptions and estimates set out in this Ad hoc-release and assumes no liability for such. Mannheim, March 25, 2004 FUCHS PETROLUB AG
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