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Case Study - ECOCOOL Global 1000


An aerospace customer was forced to scrap a magnesium (Mg) part after their previous machining fluid allowed the formation of magnesium soaps that led to pitting. This ultimately cost them $45,000 per month. After investigating, they discovered that the coolant in the tank had been split. Engineers completed a thorough analysis by studying tanks dedicated to machining Mg and determined that the sumps should be changed every four weeks.


Milling Magnesium


ECOCOOL GLOBAL 1000 was trialed to see if it could improve sump life. Fluid monitoring was also installed using a conductivity sensor to monitor the coolant.


ECOCOOL GLOBAL 1000 extended the sump life by more than 10X. The customer is also using ECOCOOL 7830B on other machines to determine fluid condition before the customer prematurely dumps the tank after four weeks. Mg can present significant challenges to a coolant but ECOCOOL GLOBAL 1000 can overcome these challenges. By moving forward with this coolant, the customer sees a return on investment through less sump changes, less coolant usage, and less scrapped parts.


  • Longer Sump Life
  • Less Scrap
  • Improved Fluid Monitoring
  • Predictive Maintenance vs. Preventative Maintenance

Technology that pays back!

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(708) 333-8900
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Monday - Friday

8:30 am - 4:30 pm CST