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FUCHS Lubricants Backed Teams Continue to Dominate Motorsport Racing

12.04.2018 - 02:10

MAD Racing Round 3 – KZN Racing

MAD Racing, sponsored by FUCHS Lubricants, had a perfect race meeting at the Dezzi Raceway this past weekend.

Team driver, Dewald Brummer, qualified in pole position in the qualifying round. In heat one, he led the race from start to finish, beating out his closest competitor by four seconds.

In heat two, he pulled an astonishing race to finishing 1st, again opening a seven second gap on his closest competitor.

“The team came prepared for Round 3. All the mechanical problems we experienced are a thing of the past. Our aim is to win every race going forward,” said Deon Brummer, team manager.

“The Fuchs Lubricant products we use on the Polo race car have proven to be a dominant factor in our racing success,” he said.

Monroe Racing RSA – SAMRA Cre8Work 250 Ladies Series and Clubmans race

The MONROE Racing RSA team sponsored by FUCHS Lubricants rider Zoe Bosch went out to Vereeniging to participate in the Cre8Work 250 Honda ladies series and the Clubmans race.

Zoe raced in both the Clubmans race on a Kawasaki 250 and the Cre8Work 250 Honda ladies series.

In the Clubmans, she qualified to start in 3rd position. In heat 1, she was unfortunately involved in an accident which saw her pull out the race.

Heat 2: Starting from the back of the grid, Zoe gave it her best to finish sixth.

Heat 3: Zoe had regained her confidence and gave it her best to finish on the podium.

The 250 ladies cup was tough and competitive, despite this she was fourth in all three heats.

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