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26.08.2019 - 10:17

In 2016, Deutsche Pentosin Werke GmbH (DPW) was merged with FUCHS Schmierstoffe GmbH (FS). But, until now both companies have had different core products on which the development and cooperation with the OEM market has been focused.

 In order to achieve a clearer product structure, PENTOSIN’s well known CHF range of central hydraulic and power steering fluids is harmonised with our automotive lead brand TITAN.

“The formulation and composition of our proven products remains identical. The unique performance profiles with exclusive manufacturer approvals remain unchanged,” Said Fatima Moolla, Product Manager Automotive. “PENTOSIN becomes TITAN. Everything else remains the same,” she adds.

Pentosin FFL Dual clutch transmission fluids changes name to TITAN FFL.

While the Pentosin CHF range, PSF and LHM+. Central Hydraulic Fluids and Power Steering Fluids will be called TITAN CHF range, TITAN PSF and TITAN LHM+.

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