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FUCHS Lubricants Hosts Activities To Put Much Needed Emphasis on ‘Mental health Awareness’

13.11.2019 - 10:45

In keeping with its 2019 Sustainability Plan, FUCHS Lubricants South Africa (FLSA) hosted an initiative under the theme ‘Mental Health Month’ which saw employees embark on various activities with the objective of raising awareness and inspiring resilience to facilitate mental wellness in the workplace. This was done to commemorate world mental health day on the 10th October.

Tarryn Eloff, one of the members of the sustainability team, explained: “the team decided to pick this topic because it affects so many people but it is rarely addressed. For instance, The South African Federation for Mental Health states that as many as one in six South Africans suffer from anxiety, depression or substance–use problems (and this does not include more serious conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia), according to statistics released by the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG).”

“The aim of the commemoration was to highlight the importance of mental well-being, with specific focus on empowering staff with information and encouraging them to take care of their well-being as well as exploring different ways one can enhance their mental well-being ,” she added.

There were a number of activities held throughout the month which included an informative speaker presentation by Innocente Burger, director of Perform Forward, who emphasised the importance of wellness at work.

She explained how the employees’ workplace impacts on their emotional and physical wellbeing. “We as humans ensure that we take good care of our precious material possessions, but we should also realise that our mental wellness is even more precious." 

Other activities during the month included a 3km fun run, yoga session, action soccer and a Biodanza.  “Feedback from staff was positive and FUCHS plans to continue with employee participation in various activities in the coming year,” said Esther Seabi, the sustainability team lead for FLSA.

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